Healthcare products | New rates effective January 1, 2024 – our pricing remains competitive!

Product Development and Pricing October 27, 2023

SOLO Healthcare

Every year, we review the pricing for our SOLO Healthcare line.

Rates for main coverages to remain the same

We're delighted to confirm that based on the claims history, we'll be able to maintain the rates1 for main coverages under the Health Plus plans in 2024..

1 The premium is calculated based on the attained age of the insured person. That means that even when rates remain the same, the premium payable may increase upon renewal.

New rates for additional coverages – Effective January 1, 2024

Current inflationary pressures are directly impacting the costs of prescription drugs and dental care, forcing us to raise our rates for these coverages.

Prescription drugs3%
Dental care5%

This increase will apply to all new insurance applications and renewals of existing policies, for both the basic and extended plans.

*The rate of increase may be smaller depending on the policyowner’s province of residence.

  Your Illustration tool will be adjusted to reflect the new rates.

If you create an illustration before January 1, 2024, without submitting an insurance application, you'll need to create a new one for the new rates to be applied.
